Borders of Waiting
Western Sahara. A small desert country with rich natural resources, located on the west coast of North Africa. A small population, originally camel-breeding nomads.
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Western Sahara. A small desert country with rich natural resources, located on the west coast of North Africa. A small population, originally camel-breeding nomads. For nearly five decades, the majority of Sahrawis have been living under extreme conditions in the Algerian part of the Sahara Desert, following Morocco’s occupation of their homeland in the mid-1970s. Despite nearly 60 years having elapsed since the territory was included on the United Nations' list of countries to be decolonized, the Sahrawis are still being denied their right to self-determination. Since 2020, war is once again prevailing between Morocco and Polisario Front, the Sahrawi liberation movement.
The conflict over Western Sahara is the story of three generations of people who have spent their lives waiting for the opportunity to exercise their right to self-determination. The historical and contemporary injustices are depicted through the eyes and voices of some Sahrawis living in exile. Through words and photos, freelance journalist Lisa Söderlindh reminds the world of the Sahrawi population’s unwavering liberation struggle.
The conflict over Western Sahara is the story of three generations of people who have spent their lives waiting for the opportunity to exercise their right to self-determination. The historical and contemporary injustices are depicted through the eyes and voices of some Sahrawis living in exile. Through words and photos, freelance journalist Lisa Söderlindh reminds the world of the Sahrawi population’s unwavering liberation struggle.
Västsahara. Ett litet ökenland med stora naturtillgångar, beläget på Afrikas nordvästra kust. En liten befolkning, ursprungligen kamelskötande nomader. I snart fem decennier har majoriteten av västsaharierna levt under extrema förhållanden i den algeriska delen av Saharaöknen – på flykt sedan Marocko ockuperade deras hemland i mitten på 1970-talet. Trots att territoriet har funnits med på FN:s lista över områden att avkolonisera i snart 60 år, fortsätter västsaharierna att förnekas rätten till självbestämmande. Sedan 2020 råder det även – och återigen – en väpnad konflikt mellan Marocko och Västsaharas befrielserörelse Polisario.
Konflikten om Västsahara är historien om tre generationer av människor som har tillbringat livet i avvaktan på möjligheten att få välja sin egen framtid. Utifrån blicken och rösten hos några västsaharier i exilen skildras de historiska och samtida oförrätterna. Genom ord och bild påminner Lisa Monique Söderlindh, fotograferande frilansjournalist, om frihetskampen som oförtrutet lever vidare hos den västsahariska befolkningen.
Format :
297.00 X 210.00
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Utgivningsdatum :
Författare :
Lisa Monique Söderlindh
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