THE CHAMELEONS – A memoir of the Woiski family av Ronny Woiski
This book is a documentary, a memoir of a family of musicians and artists; descendants from the former Dutch colony, Surinam, in South America. Besides, it is a tribute to the author’s father, a great artist and musician, who passed away far too young, impoverished and forgotten.
In 1835, a Prussian lieutenant, Freiherr Gustav Erdmann Adalbert von Woisky, moves to Surinam and becomes a plantation owner. On July 1, 1853, he frees his slave girl, Clasina, and their two mutual children. For at least five generations, their descendants spread across the globe, repeatedly change milieu and living conditions, but like the chameleon, quickly adapt 1853, he frees his slave girl, Clasina, and their two mutual children. For at least five generations, their descendants spread across the globe, repeatedly change milieu and living conditions, but like the chameleon, quickly adapt to any new environment.
The story connects Poland with Surinam, and Surinam with Amsterdam, Mallorca, Marbella, and Sweden. It contains several fascinating life stories, set in the history of the 20th century. Moreover, it contains several dramatic turning points, and hilarious anecdotes, spiced with a few pinches of Jazz, Latin American music, and catering life.