The Wines of Provence - Tricolour
Provence is the rosé wine world leader, but less well-known for fantastic red and white wines. This is not a coffee table book, but a guide to the wonderful world of wine in one of the most beautiful regions of France. It is easy to read, richly illustrated and filled with facts to help you find your favourite wines or plan a visit to a region where they have been making wine for 2600 years. It includes the history of wine in Provence, facts about the all-important terroirs and appellations, the grape varieties, work in the vineyard, vinification of white, red and rosé wine and the different characteristics of each.
Gourmand Awards “BEST IN THE WORLD” 2020 in the category “French Wines
… Everything is discussed…. must be classified as a Swedish reference work over the Provençal wine world.
Lars Torstenson, honoured former winemaker at Domaine Rabiega in Provence
Critically acclaimed book for those who want to find the best wines, do wine touring, and learn all about Provence wines! Provence is the rosé wine world leader, but less well-known for its fantastic red and white wines. This is not a coffee table book, but a guide to the wonderful world of wine in one of the most beautiful regions of France. It is easy to read, richly illustrated and filled with facts to help you find your favourite wines or plan a visit to a region where wines have been made for 2600 years. It includes the history of wine in Provence, facts about the all-important terroirs and appellations, the grape varieties, work in the vineyard, vinification of white, red, and rosé wine and the different characteristics of each.
A total of 57 producers and 340 wines are covered, making this the most comprehensive book on wines in Provence today, and a perfect companion to help you find your favourite wines there.
For more information see: where you will also find a video and a blog with news from Provence’s wine world.
For 25 years the author, Göran Boman, has been a member of “Munskänkarna”, the Swedish association for wine tasting and wine studies, and he has passed their top-level exam equivalent to at least the grade of Sommelier.
Further reviews:
.. In short, a book to get to know the area and its wines. The Provence wine producers and the CIVP can be happy with such a book, in which much is described and explained. An excellent promotion of the rising quality!
André Sauerbier, Wineconsultant Provence
“Congratulations, a very precise book.”
Gilles Delsuc, Vigneron & Œnologue at Domaine la Blaque